Благодарность, иллюстрации
Редакторы и авторы выражают свою признательность всем специалистам, которые оказали неоценимую помощь при подготовке этого тома:
Dirk Bakker, Detroit Institute of Arts, Detroit; Kathleen Baxter, National Museum of Natural History, Smithsonian Institution, Washington, D. C; Robert E. Bell, Norman, Oklahoma; Joseph Bisselle, Ox on Hill, Maryland; T. Bundy, Arizona State Museum, Tucson; Chester Cowlin, Oklahoma Historical Society, Oklahoma City; Warren Cremer, Time Expeditions, Sedona, Arizona; Nina Cummings, Field Museum of Natural History, Chicago; Rinita A. Dalan, Southern Illinois University, Edwardsville; Mary Kay Davies, Anthropological Branch Library, Smith sonian Institution, Washington, D. C; Jeffrey Dean, University of Arizona, Tucson; Rod Dresser, Ansel Adams Publishing Rights Trust, Carmel, California; Julie Droke, Oklahoma Museum of Natural History, Norman; Tom Durant, Harpers Ferry Center, Harpers Ferry, West Virginia; Linda Farnsworth, Coconino National Forest, Flagstaff, Arison a;
Sylvia Rowers, Ocmulgee National Monument, Macon, Georgia; Dabney Ford, Chaco Culture National Historical Park, Bloomfteld, New Mexico; Melvin Fowler, University of Wisconsin, Milwaukee; Judith Franke, Dickson Mounds Museum, Lewistown, Illinois; Jon Gibson, University of Southwestern Louisiana, Lafayette; Tauni Graham, Ohio Historical Society, Columbus; Alan Harn, Dickson Mounds Museum, Lewistown, Illinois; Robert
C. Heyder, Mesa Verde National Park, Colorado; George R. Holley, Southern Illinois University, Edwardsville; Charles Hudson, University of Georgia, Athens; Ramona Hutchinson, Mesa Verde National Park, Colorado; William Iseminger, Cahokia Mounds Historic Site, Collinsville, Illinois; Marvin Jeter, Arkansas Archaeological Survey, Fayetteville; Krisztina Kosse, University of New Mexico, Albuquerque; Martha Labell, Harvard University, Cambridge, Massachusetts; Clark Larsen, Purdue University, West Lafayette, Indiana; Diana Leonard, University of Colorado Museum, Boulder; Ed Lyon, Metairie, Louisiana; Robert Mainfort, Memphis State University, Memphis, Tennessee; Jerald T. Milanich, Florida State Museum of Natural History, Gainesville; Phil Newkumet, Norman, Oklahoma; Arthur Olivas, Museum of New Mexico, Santa Fe; Nicholas J. ParelEa, Smithsonian Institution, Washington,
D. C; Peter Pilles, Coconino National Forest, Flagstaff, Arizona; Mary Lucas Powell, University of Kentucky, Lexington; Mason Rumney III, West Sedona, Arizona; Mary Elizabeth Ruwell, National Anthropological Archives, Smithsonian Institution, Washington, D. C; Polly and Curtis Schaafsma, Santa Fe, New Mexico; Douglas Schwartz, Santa Fe, New Mexico; Thomas Sever, National Space Technology Laboratory, NSTL Station, Mississippi; Duane Smith, Fort Lewis College, Durango, Colorado; Judy Steiner, Colorado History Museum, Denver; Andrea Stillman, Ansel Adams Publishing Rights Trust, Carmel, California; William Sweetland, Bandelier National Monument, Los Alamos, New Mexico; Scott Travis, Canyon de Chelly National Monument, Chinle, Arizona; Sharron G. Uhler, Colorado Springs Pioneers Museum, Colorado Springs; Ray A. Williamson, Annapolis, Maryland; Pamela Wintle, Museum of Natural History, Smithsonian Institution, Washington, D. C; Miles Wright, University of Tennessee, Knoxville.
Ниже, с искренней благодарностью авторов, приводится список источников, из которых были взяты иллюстрации для этого тома. Весь перечень организован в три столбца, различные источники в столбцах отмечены косой чертой.
Cover: Frank H. McClung Museum, University of Tennessee, Knoxville/® Dirk Bakker, Photographer. Background ® Tom Danielsen, Phoenix, Ariz. End paper: Art by Paul Breeden. 6: Corson Hirschfeld. 8, 9: Andy R. Seagle, Phoenix, Ariz; Coconino National Forest, Photo by Laurie Robinson Smith.
11: Art by Stephen R. Wagner. 12, 13: © Marilyn Bridges 1983. 14: From Ancient
Monuments of the Mississippi VaHey by E. G. Squier, A. M., and E. H. Davis, M.
D., Smithsonian Institution, 1847, courtesy Dr. Bruce Smith, copied by Evan Sheppard. 15: Ohio Historical Society. 19: National Portrait Gallery, Smithsonian Institution, Washington, D. C./Art Resource, New York. 21: Photography by D. Baston, courtesy of the Center for American Archeology, Kampsville, III. 22: Photo by С. Е. Snow, University of Kentucky, Lexington, Depart-
ment of Anthropology and Archaeology. 2327: Ohio Historical Society. 28, 29: © Richard Alexander Cooke III. 30: Field Museum of Natural History, Chicago, Neg. Nos. АИ0130 — A110026c; A110012c. 31: Field Museum of Natural History, Chicago, Neg. No. A110016c—© Richard Alexander Cooke III. 33: From Edward Palmer's
Arkansaw Mounds, edited by Marvin D.
Jeter, copyright 1990. Reprinted by permission of the University of Arkansas Press.
34, 35: Background from Ancient Monu
ments of the Mississippi Valley by E. G. Squier, A. M., and E. H. Davis, M. D., Smithsonian Institution, 1847, courtesy Dr. Bruce Smith, copied by Evan Sheppard.
Ohio Historical Society; from Ancient Monuments of the Mississippi Valley by E. G. Squier, A. M., and E. H. Davis, M. D., Smithsonian Institution, 1847, courtesy Dr. Bruce Smith, copied by Evan Sheppard; Cahokia Mounds State Historic Site; from Records of Ancient Races in the Mississippi Valley by William McAdams, С R. Bams Publishing, St. Lois, 1887. 36, 37: Background from Ancient Monuments of the Mississippi Valley by E. G. Squier, A. M., and E. H. Davis, M. D., Smithsonian Insti-
tution, 1847, courtesy Dr. Bruce Smith, copied by Evan Sheppard. From Report on the Mound Explorations of the Bureau of Ethnology by Cyrus Thomas, Smithsonian Institution, 1894, courtesy Dr. Bruce Smith, copied by Evan Sheppard (2); art by Stephen R. Wagner. 38, 39: From Ancient Monuments of the Mississippi Valley by E. Squier, A. M., and E. H. Davis, M. , Smithsonian Institution, 1847, courtesy Dr. Bruce Smith, copied by Evan Sheppard, except top right ® Richard Alexander Cooke III. 40, 41: Background from Report on the Mound Explorations of the Bureau of Ethnology by Cyrus Thomas, Smithsonian Institution, 1894, courtesy Dr. Bruce Smith, copied by Evan Sheppard. From Clarence Moore, "Moundville Revisited”, Journal of the Academy of Natural Science of Philadelphia, Vol. 13, p. 3, 1907— ® Richard Alexander Cooke III. 42: Peabody Museum, Harvard University, photo by Hillel
Burger. 45: Archives & Manuscripts Division of the Oklahoma Historical Society; reprinted with permission of the Kansas City Star Co., reproduced from the collections of the Library of Congress, Neg. No 209923. 50: National Museum of Natural History, Smithsonian Institution. 52, 53: National Park Service, Ocmulgee National Monument, Macon, Ga. 54: • Richard Alexander Cooke III. 55: From the Collection of the Gilcrease Museum, Tulsa/® Dirk Bakker, Photographer. 56: Courtesy National Museum of the American Indian, Smithsonian Institution, Photo No. 1538. 57: Courtesy National Museum of the American Indian, Smithsonian Institution, Photo Nos. 4428 — 21090. 58: Mike Pattisall—Photo by Mark C. Griffin, courtesy Clark Spencer Larsen— Mike Pattisall. 59: Photos by Mark С Griffin, courtesy Clark Spencer Larsen. 60: © Richard Alexander Cooke III. 61: Cahokia Mounds State Historic Site, Painting by William R. Iseminger. 62, 63: Photo by University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, courtesy Cahokia Mounds State Historic Site. 64:
Ohio Historical Society. 65: Field Museum of Natural History, Chicago, Neg. No.
A1 10058c — Oklahoma Museum of Natural History, University of Oklahoma. 66: From American Anthropologist NS 15, 1913, reproduced from the collections of the Library of Congress, Neg. No. 210747.67: Courtesy the Frank H. McClung Museum, University of Tennessee, Knoxville/W. Miles Wright, Photographer. 69: Background art by Time Life Books. Courtesy National Museum of the American Indian, Smithsonian Institution, Photo No. 2190. 70, 71: Background art by Time-Life Books. National Museum of Natural History, Smithsonian Institution,
Photo No. 135202; Courtesy National Museum of the American Indian, Smithsonian Institution, Neg. No. 25318; National Museum of Natural History, Smithsonian Institution, Photo No. 135227—National Museum of Natural History, Smithsonian Institution, Photo No. 396365; Washington University Gallery of Art, St. Louis, gift of J. Max Wulfing, 1937/© Dirk Bakker, Photographer. 72, 73: Background art by Time Life Books. Courtesy Illinois Archaeological Survey, Thomas E. Emerson (2); National Museum of Natural History, Smithsonian Institution; The University Museum, University of Arkansas, Fayetteville, cat. no. 37-1-39/® Dirk Bakker—PhotographerThe University Museum, University of Arkansas, Fayetteville, cat. no. 47-36-40/© Dirk Bakker, Photographer. 74, 75: Background art by Time-Life Books. Courtesy National Museum of the American Indian, Smithsonian Institution, Photo No. 2366; Alabama Museum of Natural History, Moundville Archaeological Park, University of Alabama/® Dirk Bakker, Photographer; Courtesy National Museum of the American Indian, Smithsonian Institution, Photo No. 1508; National Museum of Natural History, Smithsonian Institution. 76, 77: Background art by Time-Life Books. From the Collection of the Gilcrease Museum, Tulsa/® Dirk Bakker, Photographer; Alabama Museum of Natural History, Moundville Archaeological Park, University of Alabama/© Dirk Bakker, Photographer; Frank H. McClung Museum, University of Tennessee, Knoxville/© Dirk Bakker, Photographer— The University Museum, University of Arkansas, Fayetteville, cat. no. 47-2-1/® Dirk Bakker, Photographer. 78: © 1991 Bruce Hucko, Santa Fe, N. Мех. 80: Neg. No. 411912, Courtesy Department Library Services, American Museum of Natural History, New York— Trans. No. 3508(2), Photo by P. Hollembeak/J. Beckett, Courtesy Department Library Services, American Museum of Natural History, New York. 82: Art by Stephen R. Wagner. 84: David Noble, Santa Fe,
N. Мех. 85: Jeff Foott, Jackson, Wyo.— David Noble, Santa Fe, N. Мех. 86: © 1991 Bruce Hucko, Santa Fe, N. Мех. 87: Jeff Foott, Jackson, Wyo. — © Tom Danielsen, Phoenix, Ariz. 90, 91: Background George H. H. Huey, Prescott, Ariz. A.
E. Douglass, courtesy of Laboratory of TreeRing Research, University of Arisona, Tucson; art by Stephen R. Wagner—School of American Research, Santa Fe, N. Мех. 94, 95: Helga Teiwes/ Arizona State Museum, University of Arizona. 97: From The Mimbres: Art and Archaeology by J. Walter Fewkes, Avanyu Publishing, Albuquerque,
N. Мех., 1989. 98: Ken Abbott/University of Colorado Museum—Peabody Museum, Harvard University, photograph by Hiltel Burger (2). 99: Ken Abbott/University of Colorado Museum; University of New Mexico, Albuquerque/Maxwell Museum of Anthropology—Peabody Museum, Harvard University, photograph by Hillel Burger. 100: © 1991 Bruce Hucko, Santa Fe, N. Мех. 101: © Tom Danielsen, Phoenix, Ariz. 102, 103: Helga Teiwes/Arizona State Museum, University of Arisona. 104—107: © Tom Danielsen, Phoenix, Ariz. 109: Background National Park Service, Mesa Verde National Park, Colo., Neg. No. 7029. National Park Service, Mesa Verde National Park, Colo., Neg. No. 11167. 110, 111: Background National Park Service, Mesa Verde National Park, Colo. Courtesy, Colorado Historical Society, Neg. No. 6376; National Park Service, Mesa Verde National Park, Colo., Neg. No. 4069. 112, 113: Background National Park Service, Mesa Verde National Park, Colo. National Park Service, Mesa Verde National Park, Colo.—National Park Service, Mesa Verde National Park, Colo., Neg. No. 20384. 114, 115: Background Mesa Verde Museum Association, Inc., photo by George Beam. NAA, Smithsonian Institution, Photo No. 92-5784; Starsmore Center for Local History, Colorado Springs Pioneers Museum; Courtesy Colorado Historical Society. 116, 117: Background National Park Service, Harpers Ferry Center, photo by George A. Grant, MEVE, Neg. No. 73. National Park Service, Mesa Verde National Park, Colo., Neg. Nos. 6083; 4068. 118: Photograph by Ansel Adams. Copyright © 1992 by the Trustees of The Ansel Adams Publishing Right Trust. All Rights Reserved.; Photograph by Cedric Wright. 119: Photograph by Ansel Adams. Copyright © 1992 by the Trustees of The Ansel Adams Publishing Right Trust. All Rights Reserved. 120: © David Muench 1992. 122, 123: George H. H. Huey, Prescott, Ariz. 124: © 1991 Bruce Hucko, Santa Fe, N. Мех. 125: © 1991 Bruce Hucko, Santa Fe, N. Мех. — © David Muench 1992. 126: Dewitt Jones, Bolinas, Calif. 127: Catalogue Nos. 41947, 27125, 27126, 27130: Copper Bells. Prehistoric Southwest, Rod Hood, Photographer. Museum of Indian Arts and Culture/Laboratory of Anthropology, Santa Fe, N. Мех.; Dewitt Jones, Bolinas, Calif.— Trans. No. 2757(2) Photo by Deborah Flynn, Courtesy Department Library Services, American Museum of Natural History, New York; © 1982 David L. Brill. 129: Dewitt Jones, Bolinas, Calif. 130: © David Muench 1992; Trans. No. 4482(2), photo by Denis Finnin, courtesy Department of Library Services, American Museum of Natural History, New York. 131; Catalog no. NA7523, Museum of Northern Arizona, photo by Marc Gaede. 132, 133: NASA. 134: © 1991 Bruce Hucko, Santa Fe, N. Мех. 135: © 1991 Bruce Hucko, Santa Fe, N. Мех.; Scott S. Warren, Durango, Colo. 136: © Tom Danielsen, Phoenix, Ariz. 137: © Les Manevitz, Phoenix, Ariz. 138, 139:
© David Muench 1992. 140, 141: Scott S. Warren, Durango, Colo. 142: Les Manevitz, Phoenix, Ariz. 143: Ray A. Williamson, Annapolis, Md. 144, 145: © David Muench 1992. 146: Steve Mulligan. 148: Trans. No. 3513(2), Photo by P. Hollembeak/J. Beckett, Courtesy Department Library Services, American Museum of Natural History, New York. 149: Trans.
No. 2757(2), Photo by Deborah Flynn, Courtesy Department Library Services, American Museum of Natural History, New York—Peabody Museum, Harvard University, photograph by Hillel Burger. 150: Dewitt Jones, Bolinas, Calif. 151: © 1982 David L. Brill. 152, 153: Paul Logsdon, Santa Fe, N. Мех. (inset); William M. Ferguson, Durango, Colo, (inset); Douglas B. Anderson. 154, 155: Douglas B. Anderson; ® Tom Danielsen, Phoenix, Ariz.; William M. Ferguson, Durango, Colo. 156, 157: Dewitt Jones, Bolinas, Calif. (2); © 1991 Bruce Hucko, Santa Fe, N. Мех. — Scott S. Warren, Durango, Colo. 158, 159: Henry Groskinsky. 160, 161: Art by Paul Breeden.